20 Nov s7-r2 Turkey Day

Giant snail race in Devon Dreams on 2011-11-20

Qualification Race 1

1. Moto Gaffer (pass to winners race)
2. TheSpoof Werefox
3. Safra Nitely
4. Chuina Asturias

Qualification Race 2

1. Tindallia Soothsayer (pass to winners race)
2. Gareth8 Albatros
3. Gizmonomicon Resident
4. Bloodsong Termagant
5. Baldi McMillan

Second Chance Race

1. Baldi McMillan (pass to winners race)
2. Safra Nitely (pass to winners race)
3. Gizmonomicon Resident (pass to winners race)
4. TheSpoof Werefox (pass to winners race)
5. Bloodsong Termagant (pass to winners race)
6. Chuina Asturias (pass to winners race)
7. Gareth8 Albatros

Winners race


1. Tindallia Soothsayer +10 points
2. Baldi McMillan +8 points
3. Bloodsong Termagant +6 points
4. Gizmonomicon Resident +4 points
5. Chuina Asturias +3 points
6. Moto Gaffer +2 points
7. Safra Nitely +1 point
8. TheSpoof Werefox +0 points


  1. is this the picture of a game or just a post

    Pearson Airport Taxi

  2. good one and keep it up..


  3. gigant snail racers newer heard of it looks interesting
